Popular Flowers Used for a Pakistani Wedding Decor

Pakistani weddings are lively, colorful and a joyful event. Everyone wants to look beautiful on the wedding day. The wedding process starts off with people hunting for marriage proposals. While some like to match in the family, others choose a marriage bureau site for the proposal hunting process. After the things are finalized, the fun begins with the start of the wedding shopping and planning. Special dresses are prepared to celebrate the wedding decorations. The stage decoration is of utmost importance. The stage is the centre of eyes of everyone where bride and groom sit and amaze each other with their looks. The trend of stage decoration is vivacious in Pakistan, similar to the western culture. However, the way of adorning it is different. The same flowery items are used for decoration. Most of the floral decorations are valued but lighting, curtains and other items also get popular day by day. The stage decor differentiates for three main wedding ...